New articles

The antiwar movement Interview with John Rees

Spring 2003

The global anti war movement Ardeshir Mehrdad

Spring 2003

Militarism and the coming wars István Mészáros

Spring 2003

The national question:
Interview with Mostafa Hejri

Spring 2003

The national question: Arabs in Iran

Adnan Salman
Amir Howeizi
Mohammad Jaber
Jamil Miahi

Spring 2003

A different world is possible Editor
The anti-capitalist movement after Genoa Ardeshir Mehrdad
Writing out terror 2 Hammed Shahidian
The circle - A film on the vulnerability of women in Iran today Parvaneh Soltani
Prison in Art and Literature Monireh Baradaran
Islamic feminism: compromise or challenge to feminism? Mehrdad Darvishpour
Book review
The origin of the Pahlavi dynasry
Medi Kia
Interview with Bruce Kent
The CND, September 11 and the imperialist warmongering
Mehdi Kia
Islam and poetry in Iran
Asad Seif
Prison Sketches
Memories of the women's block in Evin, 1980
Maryam. A.